Northern California Criminal and DUI Attorney
Areas We Serve
If you are presently facing DUI charges or other criminal accusations, you are probably very concerned about whether or not you are going to jail, how much monetary fines you will be responsible for paying, and what will happen to your driving privileges.
You have every right to question what is to happen in the upcoming weeks and months ahead and a Fremont criminal and DUI lawyerfrom The Arant Law Group, APC can help take the mystery out of the criminal process for you.
Geographical Areas of Practice
At our firm, we understand exactly what you are going through. DUI is one of the most common criminal charges that people are faced with in this country, and it is most often committed by average, everyday men and women who don't have a prior criminal record. These individuals are oftentimes mothers and fathers, businessmen, college students and otherwise productive members of the community with a lot to lose if ultimately convicted of DUI.
For this reason we dedicate our practice to not only challenging every aspect of a DUI case from unlawful police stops, to defective breath test equipment to, contaminated blood tests, we also seek to get our client's charges reduced or dismissed wherever possible.
We are proud to defend clients against all types of DUI charges in the Fremont area; however, we are also proud to represent the residents of the following areas as well:
- Newark
- Pleasanton
- Hayward
- San Leandro
- San Jose
- Union City
Criminal Lawyer Serving Fremont, Newark, San Jose & Union City
Our firm can assist you in every aspect of the criminal process. Whether this is your first DUI, or your third, we can provide you with an excellent criminal defense. Our firm handles a variety of DUI matters including: DMV hearings, DUI accidents, DUI and drugs, felony DUI, field sobriety tests, first DUI offenses, multiple DUI offenses, and underage DUI.
If you have been charged with DUI, it's absolutely critical to understand you can challenge your charges. You don't have to plead guilty and accept your fate. In addition, we are also adept at handling all manner of criminal charges, whether you are facing accusations for assault, drug crimes, sex offenses, theft or any other matter.
At our firm, we have helped numerous clients over the years fight their charges and achieve favorable case results. We care about your future and your family and we will meticulously challenge every aspect of your case and question all evidence against you. Helping you avoid going to jail and retaining your driver's license is the driving force behind all that we do. We urge you to contact a Fremont DUI and criminal defense lawyer from our firm to start protecting your legal rights and protecting you against severe administrative penalties.
Start taking action now, contact a Fremont DUI and criminal attorney from the firm to schedule your initial case evaluation.

Reasons To Choose Us
Trust Our Track Record We have obtained numerous dismissals and charge reductions for our clients.
Clients Are Priority #1 See what past clients have to say about their positive experience with Arant Law.
Protect Yourself When your freedom and your future are at stake, you need to act immediately. Call us today.